• It simply means that we are not associated, a"liated or connected with any denomination, man-made organization, or institution. Our only allegiance is to the Lord and His Word. We can fellowship with brothers and sisters of Christ at any time without answering to a national headquarters somewhere. We have congregational autonomy, which means we are independently governed by church leaders a"rmed from within.

  • Absolutely. We currently support over 20 local, national, and global missions/ministries. 20% of our yearly budget goes to missions. Head to bachelorcreek.com/missions to find a complete of our mission partners.

  • We believe being fully immersed in water best embodies three key Biblical realities of baptism: death, burial, and resurrection. Water baptism is our public identification with Christ as Lord, and our identification with His death, burial, and resurrection (see Romans 6:1-4).

  • No. We teach “believer’s baptism.” That is, we believe a person is commanded to be baptized only upon placing their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins (Acts 2:38). Baptism is an act of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a public declaration of our identifying with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:1-11). Since infants cannot comprehend and make this decision, we do not baptize infants.

    However, we do have an annual Baby Day Dedication. In this special ceremony we invite parents to come forward with their children and acknowledge their commitment to follow Christ and raise their children in the way of the Lord. Parents are given a word of encouragement and a prayer of blessing. The congregation then pledges its support to the parents and child.

  • Yes. The Bible says the Lord “added to the church” those who were being saved and baptized (Acts 2:41, 47). That’s why, to get connected as a member of Bachelor Creek, you need to receive salvation by grace and immediately be obedient to Him in water baptism (see Acts 8:36-39; 9:17-18; 10:47-48; 16:31-33).

  • No.

  • Communion at Bachelor Creek is an important time to reflect on the cross of Jesus Christ. Any believer in Christ is invited to take Communion. You can pick up individually pre-packaged Communion cups as you enter the Worship Center. Gluten-free Communion is also available.

  • Acts 20:7 says, “On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” Jesus didn’t prescribe how often we were to take Communion/the Lord’s Supper. He simply said that we were to “do this in remembrance of Me” (1 Corinthians 11:23b-25).

  • NEXT is designed to give you an overview of the heart and soul of our ministry. Will we cover everything in our time together? No way. But we hope you will leave with a better understanding of who we are, what we're for, and how God wants to use you to serve Him at Bachelor Creek.

    You can sign up on the website or on the app for our next offering of NEXT!

  • We recommend everyone attend NEXT so your decision is an informed one and also because we want you to fully understand what it means to be connected here and to understand your responsibilities. We want everyone to have a solid foundation for ministry and service so they can become a vital part of our Bachelor Creek family.

  • We ask you to make your decision publicly, in accordance with Mathew 10:32-33, by coming forward during the decision time at the close of one of our Sunday services. To get connected as a member you must have a personal salvation experience with Jesus Christ and be obedient to Him in baptism. If you haven’t done that, that’s step one, and you can do that when you come forward. If you’ve already accepted Christ and have been baptized by immersion, you do not have to be baptized again. When you come forward, we’ll have a Decision Team member there to help you. (If you’re going to be baptized, you do not need to bring anything except a willing heart!)

  • Bachelor Creek does not currently promote events that are not directly tied to our church or missions/ ministries we support. Bachelor Creek has a communication’s policy to help with all ministry related events.

  • Your giving helps support the ministry and mission of Bachelor Creek. There are three ways to give through Bachelor Creek: 1) Cash/Check in one of the drop-boxes at the back of Worship Center 2) On the Church Center App or by texting “Give” to 260-215-4334 3) Online at bachelorcreek.com.

  • Yes. Bachelor Creek is a 501C3 nonprofit organization. All gifts to Bachelor Creek are tax deductible.

  • We encourage all adults to find a ministry to serve in. We also o!er groups that meet on Sunday mornings. We have some that meet weekly and others that are topical that last for a short season.

  • We have opportunities available in the palm of your hands. Click on the “Groups” tab on the Church Center app or visit our groups page on our website at bachelorcreek.com/groups.

  • To download the Church Center app, go to the app store on your smart device and search “Church Center.” Once you have downloaded the app, create an account and connect it to Bachelor Creek Church of Christ.

  • We have many areas to serve on Sunday mornings along with many local outreach ministries. We have created a volunteer booklet that contains all the serving opportunities we have on Sundays. You can pick one up at the Connecting Point, located in the lobby. We also have NEXT, a two-week experience that will help guide you in taking your next step. We encourage to sign up and attend NEXT if you haven’t already.

  • We live in a fractured world. Human beings, made in the image of God, have been reduced to their opinion, their stance, their side. People are becoming more and more militant and aggressive against those who see the world di!erently. The other side of an issue has become the other corner of the ring and there are no holds barred. In the midst of this cage match, we are a people set apart and commanded by Jesus to love others with the same unbiased, unconditional, unrelenting love God has for us (John 15:12). Throughout the history of humankind, we have shamelessly defied our Creator and worked to undo all the goodness of His creation. Nevertheless, one eternal refrain echoes through every page of Scripture: “Even so, I am for you.” This is love expressed from heart to heart, spirit to spirit. “Love” is a word tossed to and fro in this age, but God being FOR us—and our requirement to be FOR others— can feel like a whole new level of engagement. Being FOR a person requires action; it involves movement. It includes ultimate sacrifice and humility. Though it’s often counterfeited, when you’re really FOR someone it costs you greatly and the person has no doubt that you really are FOR them. It’s unmistakable. This is a call to be known more FOR what we are for than what we are against. This is a call to be wholly embraced by the God who is FOR us—every one of us, every part of us. It’s a call to action, to movement, to actually living what we say. It’s not easy, but it is required of us for a fruitful and fulfilling life.

  • Rooted is a discipleship strategy that Bachelor Creek uses to develop and strengthen followers of Christ. It blazes a clear trail for any person to walk closer with Jesus. Rooted is built around 7 rhythms a follower of Jesus will fill his/her life with. They are daily devotion, prayer, repentance, sacrificial generosity, serving, sharing your story, and celebration. Rooted is a 10-week journey that you will experience in a small group setting. Daily readings in the Rooted book will help you deepen your relationship with Christ on a personal level.