Raising a Generation of Jesus Followers 

Bachelor Creek Kids exists to glorify God through changed families. Our goal is to partner with you as the parent as you raise your kids to know and love Jesus. On Sunday mornings, we try our best to provide opportunities for your kids to engage with God’s Word in fun and imaginative ways.

3 Priorities for Every Kid




Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
— Matthew 22:37-39

Tiny Town


With our nursery to pre-kindergarten age group, we focus on hands-on experiences, intentional play, imaginative storytelling and creative movement. Early childhood programming meets during both services on Sunday mornings in our kids’ environment known as Tiny Town.


The goal of our kindergarten-5th grade ministry is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for your kids as they engage with God’s Word each week. The elementary ministry meets during both services on Sunday mornings in our temporary kids’ environment in The Block.

Parent FAQs

  • Before taking your child to a classroom, you will need to visit one of the check-in desks (located near each birth-5th grade environment). Your child's name and small group assignment will be on the security/check-in tag. Place the tag on your child's shirt and take the other tag with you for pick-up after church.

  • Drop off begins 15 minutes prior to service time (9:00am and 10:30am)

  • Everyone picking up a child must have a security tag. If you do not have the tag, we will ask for the last four digits of your phone number.

  • If you are in the main service, you will see the last four digits of your phone number on the digital sign on the north wall of the worship center. We also will text the number we have on file for you, so it is important for you to keep your phone nearby during service.

  • Bachelor Creek offers a program for children with special needs called, “Champion’s Club.” If you are considering bringing your child to this program on a Sunday morning, you will need to contact us ahead of time so that we are ready to accommodate your child when they arrive.

  • Yes! You can follow this link HERE to pre-register your family!


Helping you connect Sunday to the rest of the week.

Upcoming Events

Kids Hope

One simple thing will make a big difference in the life of an at risk child: One-on-one, positive attention from a responsible, caring adult.  Bachelor Creek is partnering with Metro North and Sharp Creek Elementary schools to develop one-on-one relationships right here in Wabash County. Sign-up to be a mentor on our our forms page!